| 1. | His hand felt for the bolt of the machine gun . 他的手摸到了机枪的枪栓。
| 2. | They captured three machine guns . 他们缴了三挺机枪。
| 3. | Croft pulled back the bolt on his machine gun and rammed it home . 克洛夫特把机枪枪拴一按,顶上了膛。
| 4. | The japanese machine gun raked through the bush at them . 日本人的机枪在矮树丛里来回扫射,不肯放过他们。
| 5. | In the darkness, the machine gun spat a vindictive white light like an acetylene torch . 机枪在黑暗中吐出一道凶厉的白光,活象一支喷火的乙炔吹管。
| 6. | Machine guns opened up from a concealed position 机关枪从隐蔽的阵地开始射击。
| 7. | Their use of machine guns is most persistent 他们对机枪的使用最为持久稳定。
| 8. | Dad , you ' re going to have to use the machine gun 老爸,必须由你来操控机关枪
| 9. | The soldiers severely punished the enemy by machine guns 战士们用机关枪痛击敌人。
| 10. | Yeah , pull over by the fuckers with the machine guns 是的,靠那个拿机关枪的家伙停下来